*USMC* Clan Roster

Name *USMC* Alpy
Aka Alptits, tits, Batman, Al Capone
Rank Captain
Country France
Age 24
Other Clans )iC(
Experience 4 years
Playing style Acrobatic sniper ninja
Stats Xfire | Chaser Stats
Games Chaser, CSS
Fav Weapon M87
Best Weapon M87
Favorite Map Mandek Base
Admired TJ
Friends (non usmc) Johan, Kira, Nate, EliteSniper, Sum1, P0P
Enemys DASA, Atecep, Zippo, Megadeth
Hardware Razor Lachesis, G11 keyboard
Screens Picture of Stephen Chapman at the AMRA 50th Anniversary ConventionPicture of Stephen Chapman at the AMRA 50th Anniversary ConventionPicture of Stephen Chapman at the AMRA 50th Anniversary Convention

When I first saw alpy he put on the tag without even asking lol and I remember alot of USMC guys tking him. Poor guy just wanted a clan and to fit in the game making some new friends. So I gave him that chance eventually and I never thought it would work out with the language barrier. It turned out to be a good thing really since he's a good friend and we don't need complex conversations to maintain that, he's a unique friend to me and a lot more USMC guys. It's mostly simple english and some emoticons and were able to get our point acrossed just fine. He's truly loyal and really good with acrobatics and a sniper rifle. I don't think he would ever betray USMC. Coolest guy ever lolol.