Player Leaderboard(Top 30)
Today Week Month All Time FS Only

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NameThe Players Name KillsThe number of kills accrued. KPMKills Per Minute. SDThe score differential between this user and the other players of the server.(Higher is better) KPSKills Per Session. TTPTotal Time Played. Ping Type Team
552.  -]BS[- Baz|Ko "491 1.00 +5268h 13m103100% ST50% Law
553.  *USSF* Alpy.fr490 0.85 +2169h 34m6297% ST54% Law
554.  ^  C@mper     '489 0.55 -2514h 42m8472% DM61% Gov
555.  (-2k-) Ajunta P.489 1.51 +9265h 24m11079% ST75% Law
556.  `]L[ R0minu''488 0.54 -7915h 4m12095% ST57% Gov
557.  ja485 0.88 -1109h 12m14378% DM78% Law
558.  ZOLTAN lt484 0.36 -6822h 19m10386% ST52% Gov
559.  |nuB| Neo483 0.76 +31010h 39m12951% ST72% Law
560.  tired482 1.03 +1107h 47m11452% ST56% Gov
561.  K|NG OLOFMEISTER480 0.75 +72110h 38m7896% ST66% Law
562.  *UssR*ALKAYDA13480 0.30 -1241d 3h12383% ST54% Law
563.  `Dissocioo [Ukf]480 0.70 +19911h 22m9989% ST61% Law
564.  K|NG mEGADETH479 1.31 +23326h 5m84100% ST56% Gov
565.  |KING|MasterHaze479 0.48 -4516h 43m8059% ST55% Law
566.  ^Pikachu476 0.50 -81215h 43m4388% ST53% Gov
567.  B0$   NIA476 0.72 +21210h 58m4990% DM100% Law
568.  *UssR* LeS "475 0.43 -41018h 23m11089% ST56% Gov
569.  --475 0.95 +3288h 22m9582% ST66% Law
570.  Old B0$  NIA475 1.08 0117h 18m6366% DM60% Gov
571.  *]ES[*Don**475 0.54 -51114h 47m15776% ST69% Law
572.  *W33D* Yang475 0.88 -2188h 58m33100% ST64% Gov
573.  *USMC* BABO472 1.24 +4126h 22m10568% DM74% Law
574.  VASEA PAVLOV471 0.62 -5312h 41m16369% DM50% Law
575.  .:|eX Alty** =]469 0.56 +11413h 52m7694% ST64% Law
576.  Vista''469 0.58 01113h 26m12052% DM56% Gov
577.  Skrillex-'469 0.66 -3911h 53m14974% ST61% Law
578.  Lp| DAMAGE469 0.72 -42010h 47m155100% ST53% Law
579.  eazy-e469 1.02 +8237h 41m6735% DM 100% Gov
580.  |kMa|~y468 0.88 +9238h 53m118100% ST55% Gov
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