Player Leaderboard(Top 30)
Today Week Month All Time FS Only
NameThe Players Name KillsThe number of kills accrued. KPMKills Per Minute. SDThe score differential between this user and the other players of the server.(Higher is better) KPSKills Per Session. TTPTotal Time Played. Ping Type Team
407.  ~*C.E*~ Cabron658 0.59 -22118h 34m7297% ST50% Law
408.  SkriileX-''657 0.95 01311h 31m16163% DM61% Law
409.  mumu657 1.28 0108h 31m10687% DM77% Law
410.  :(Jeffry):656 0.39 -591d 4h10465% ST63% Law
411.  dr.Winner |T "656 0.37 -691d 6h10596% ST59% Gov
412.  wat655 0.99 +92011h 5m89100% ST54% Gov
413.  ~*B.$.K*~654 1.52 +14257h 11m3269% DM55% Gov
414.  WanTeD654 0.23 -821d 23h8368% ST61% Law
415.  Alp650 0.68 +1816h 2m6794% ST74% Law
416.  TwB Mayen649 0.53 -11120h 30m5290% ST54% Law
417.  *USMC* "648 0.72 +41515h 4m12595% ST59% Law
418.  Thor647 1.24 +2288h 41m12678% ST73% Law
419.  `Rams647 0.95 -21211h 23m14269% DM64% Gov
420.  djaconda643 0.42 -841d 1h10973% DM57% Law
421.  *USSF* Lazz "643 0.75 +472814h 20m4987% ST51% Gov
422.  MISU636 0.86 01212h 22m12752% DM61% Gov
423.  ~ Seth635 0.75 -42314h 4m8696% ST51% Law
424.  illness633 1.10 +6289h 33m8978% ST73% Law
425.  waiting631 0.35 +281d 6h10043% ST74% Law
426.  */A. davi    '631 0.68 -22515h 25m6680% ST62% Gov
427.  a630 0.92 +11011h 22m6878% ST71% Law
428.  |kMa| BanG! "625 0.63 +121516h 26m56100% ST60% Gov
429.  L4st|ress624 0.44 -6423h 43m4989% ST64% Gov
430.  " Mr.624 0.99 +192310h 28m9859% ST81% Gov
431.  FreezePowa623 0.89 -51311h 40m8174% ST52% Law
432.  *UssR* JoHnny619 0.51 -5520h 8m12883% ST51% Gov
433.  vviorel618 0.51 -7520h 8m12774% DM54% Law
434.  runs and lags618 0.71 +2814h 29m12185% DM62% Law
435.  Conar617 0.76 +1713h 36m13982% DM59% Gov
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