*USMC* Clan Roster

Name *USMC* KillJoY
Aka Fred, Dirty, Savage,
Rank Lt.Col
Country USA
Age 26
Other Clans None
Experience 6 years
Playing style Psychotic Vengence
Stats Xfire | Chaser Stats
Games Chaser, CSS
Fav Weapon Shotgun
Best Weapon Shotgun
Favorite Map KillJoY's Labyrinth
Admired Jack
Friends (non usmc) I despise the human race
Enemys Dasa, Atecep, Zippo, Crip, Nafets, Megadeth, Prophecy, Pop, Antoni
Hardware Steelseries pad, g15 keyboard, g500 mouse
Screens Picture of Stephen Chapman at the AMRA 50th Anniversary ConventionPicture of Stephen Chapman at the AMRA 50th Anniversary ConventionPicture of Stephen Chapman at the AMRA 50th Anniversary Convention
Over the years people have always asked me why KillJoY never speaks. I'll tell you this now, there are very few people he talks to. It's part of his personality, hes not stuck up at all and in game he never talks because he doesn't like to and he would rather spend his time killing people. On teamspeak he sounds like a serial killer you don't wanna get on this guys bad side in game or real life. He's gotten charged with battery and assault and though he won't admit it. MASS MURDER. People try and make fun of him or say hes just bullshitting, he doesn't give a fuck what you say or anybody else. He's known for the fastest mouse sensitivity you'll ever see and has the most intense reflex skills.