*USMC* Clan Roster

Name *USMC* meW
Aka Blood , Sheep
Rank First Sergent
Country Germany
Age 18
Other Clans ~)NaP(~, (-2k-)
Experience 4 1/2 years
Playing style Free Kill
Stats Xfire | Chaser Stats
Games Chaser, CSS
Fav Weapon M87
Best Weapon Ak47
Favorite Map USMC_Aim IceWorld
Admired Jezus\TJ
Friends (non usmc) N!Tr0 , Maj3$t|C , Alex , Raja , Shane , Cratoz , poika
Enemys C@mper aka Bosnia
Hardware G15 Refresh v2 , Razer Lachesis , Razer Exact Mat
To be written~